Kabupaten & Kota

Cities & Regencies in Indonesia

Kabupaten & Kotamadya (Kota)

Regency and Municipality (City) of Indonesia

Indonesian territory is divided into 38 provinces. Each province, administratively and bureaucratically, is divided into several administrative regions, which are referred to as Kabupaten, and Kotamadya (Kota).

Kabupaten, District, is the division of administrative territory in the Republic of Indonesia after the province, which is headed by a regent. Apart from regencies, the administrative area after the province is divided into cities. In general, both districts and cities have the same authority. The district is not subordinate to the province, therefore the regent or mayor is not responsible to the governor. Regencies and cities are autonomous regions that are given the authority to regulate and manage their own government affairs.

Kotamadya, municipality, is a medium-sized city (madya in Javanese). This term is used to distinguish between a big city which in English is “city” and a small/medium city which in English is called “town”. There are several Regencies and Municipalities (Cities) which are only administrative in nature. Administrative regencies and administrative cities are not autonomous regions, but are regencies/cities without DPRD and are only found in the Province of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta.

Western Indonesia Time Zone. (UTC+7)

There are 18 Provinces that are included in the Western Indonesia Time Zone – WIB (Waktu Indonesia bagian Barat): Aceh, North Sumatra, Riau, Riau Islands, West Sumatra, Jambi, Bengkulu, South Sumatra, Bangka Belitung Islands, Lampung, Banten, West Java, DKI Jakarta, Central Java, DI Yogyakarta, East Java, West Kalimantan, and Central Kalimantan.
Administratively, Aceh Province consists of 18 Kabupaten and 5 Kotamadya. This Kabupaten and Kotamadya government administration consists of 289 Kecamatan and 6.497 Gampong.
Administratively, North sumatra Province consists of  8 Kota (Citiy), and 25 Kabupaten (Regency), 440 Kecamatan, 659 Kelurahan, and 4 419 Desa.
Riau Province is subdivided into 10 (ten) regencies (kabupaten) and two autonomous cities (kota). Consist of 166 Districts (Kecamatan), 271 Kelurahan, and 1591 Desa.
The province of Riau Islands is divided into 5 (five) regencies (kabupaten) and 2 (two) autonomous cities (kota). These are subdivided into 70 districts (kecamatan) and then into 256 villages (desa or kelurahan).
West Sumatra Province is subdivided into 12 (twelve) regencies and 7 (seven) autonomous cities, which lie outside any regency.
Jambi province is divided into 9 (nine) regencies (kabupaten) and 2 (two) cities (kota). These are divided into 141 districts (kecamatan), in turn sub-divided into 153 urban villages (kelurahan) and 1,399 rural villages (desa).
Bengkulu Province is subdivided into 9 (nine) regencies and the independent city of Bengkulu, which lies outside any regency.
The South Sumatra province is divided into 13 (thirteen) regencies (kabupaten) and 4 (four) autonomous cities (kota).
Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung (Bangka Belitung Islands) is divided into 6 (six) regencies and 1 (one) city.
The Lampung province is administratively divided into 13 (thirteen) regencies (kabupaten), 2 (two) Cities (kota), 228 Districts (Kecamatan), 205 Kelurahan, and 2435 Desa.
Administratively, Banten Province consists of 4 Kabupaten and 4 Kotamadya. This Kabupaten and Kotamadya government administration consists of 155 Kecamatan, 313 Kelurahan, and 1238 Desa.
Administratively, West Java Province consists of 18 Kabupaten and 9 Kotamadya. This Kabupaten and Kotamadya government administration consists of 627 Kecamatan, 645 Kelurahan, and 5 312 Desa.
Jakarta consists of five Kota Administratif (Administrative cities/municipalities), and one Kabupaten Administratif (Administrative regency). Each city and regency is divided into districts/Kecamatan.
Administratively, Central Java Province consists of 29 Kabupaten and 6 Kotamadya. This Kabupaten and Kotamadya government administration consists of 545 Kecamatan and 8,490 Kelurahan / Desa.
Administratively, Special Region of Yogyakarta Province consists of 4 Kabupaten, and 1 Kotamadya. These Kabupaten and Kotamadya government administration consists of 78 kapanewon/kemantren, 46 kelurahan, and 392 kalurahan.
Administratively, East Java Province consists of 29 Kabupaten and 9 Kotamadya. This Kabupaten and Kotamadya government administration consists of 666 Kecamatan, 777 Kelurahan, and 7.724 Desa.
Administratively, West Kalimantan Province consists of 12 Kabupaten and 2 Kotamadya. These Kabupaten and Kotamadya government administration consists of 174 Kecamatan, 99 Kelurahan, and 2.031 Desa.
Administratively, Central Kalimantan Province consists of 13 Kabupaten and 1 Kota. This Kabupaten and Kota government administration consists of 136 Kecamatan, 139 Kelurahan, and 1432 Desa.

Republic of Indonesia

Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI)
Time Zones
Regencies & Cities

Central Indonesia Time Zone. (UTC+8)

There are 12 Provinces that are included in the Central Indonesia Time Zone – WITA (Waktu Indonesia bagian Tengah): Bali, West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara, South Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, North Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, Gorontalo, and North Sulawesi.
Administratively, Bali Province consists of 8 Kabupaten and 1 Kotamadya. This Kabupaten and Kotamadya government administration consists of 57 kecamatan, 80 kelurahan, and 636 desa.
The province of West Nusa Tenggara is administratively divided into 8 (eight) regencies (kabupaten), 2 (two) cities (kota), 116 Districts (Kecamatan), 142 Kelurahan, and 995 Desa.
The province of East Nusa Tenggara is administratively divided into 21 (twenty one) regencies (kabupaten), 1 (one) city, (kota), 309 Districts (Kecamatan), 327 Kelurahan, and 3.026 Desa.
There are 11 (eleven) regencies (kabupaten) and 2 (two) cities (kota) in South Kalimantan province.
The province of East Kalimantan is divided into 7 (seven) regencies (kabupaten) and 3 (three) cities (kota).
Administratively, North Kalimantan Province consists of 4 Kabupaten and 1 Bandar. This Kabupaten and Bandar government administration consists of 55 Kecamatan, 35 Kelurahan, and 447 Desa.
Administratively, South Sulawesi Province consists of 21 Kabupaten and 3 Kota. These Kabupaten and Kota government administration consists of 305 Kecamatan, 792 Kelurahan, and 2 255 Desa.
Southeast Sulawesi Province is divided into 15 (fifteen) regencies (including the five new residencies established in 2013 and 2014) and 2 (two) autonomous cities.
Administratively, West Sulawesi Province consists of 6 Kabupaten. These Kabupaten government administration consists of 69 Kecamatan, 73 Kelurahan, and 575 Desa.
The province of Central Sulawesi is divided into 12 (twelve) regencies (kabupaten) and 1 (one) city (kota),
Administratively, Gorontalo Province consists of 5 Kabupaten and 1 Kota. These Kabupaten and Kotamadya government administration consists of 77 Kecamatan, 72 Kelurahan, and 657 Desa
Administratively, North Sulawesi Province is divided into 11 (eleven) regencies (Indonesian: kabupaten) and 4 (four) independent cities (Indonesian: kotamadya).

Republic of Indonesia

Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI)
Local Languages
(million) Population

Eastern Indonesia Time Zone. (UTC+9)

There are 8 Provinces that are included in the Eastern Indonesia Time Zone – WITA (Waktu Indonesia bagian Timur): Maluku, North Maluku, West Papua, Papua, and 3 new Provinces (based on -UU Daerah Otonomi Baru (DOB), 2022); South Papua, Central Papua, and Highlands Papua. The newest Province is Papua Barat-Daya, South-West Papua.
Administratively, Maluku Province consists of 9 Kabupaten and 2 Kotamadya. These Kabupaten and Kotamadya government administration consists of 118 kecamatan, 35 kelurahan, and 1.200 desa.
Administratively, North Maluku Province consists of 8 Kabupaten and 2 Kotamadya. These Kabupaten and Kotamadya government administration consists of 115 Kecamatan, 117 Kelurahan, and 1.063 Desa.
Administratively, Papua Province consists of 28 Kabupaten and 1 Kotamadya. This Kabupaten and Kotamadya government administration consists of 560 distrik, 110 kelurahan, and 5.411 kampung.
Administratively, West Papua Province consists of 12 Kabupaten and 1 Kotamadya.
Administratively, South Papua Province consists of 4 Kabupaten.
Administratively, Central Papua Province consists of … Kabupaten and … Kotamadya.
Administratively, Highlands Papua Province consists of … Kabupaten and … Kotamadya.
Administratively, South-West Papua Province consists of … Kabupaten and … Kotamadya.